Contact Us Ron StorerPresident Cell: 765-669-1511 [email protected] Tracy Turner Accounting Cell: 765-506-7511 [email protected] Zak Easter Purchasing / Parts Phone: 765-674-3300 [email protected] 5900 Eastside Parkway DriveGas City, IN 46933, USA Phone: 765-674-3300 Fax: 765-674-1579 Name*TitleCompanyPhone*Email* How Can We Help?CAPTCHA This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. Selected Major Product Lines Baldor* Lincoln* Bonfiglioli* Barnes* Sew Eurodrive Flygt Goulds Hoffman Crane Deming Reliance* Worldwide Motorvario* Homa Helwig Carbon* Eaton Dynamic Nord Gear Liberty Grundfos Leeson* Lafert* Myers* Zoeller WEG* Marathon US Motors Gorman Rupp Demag Sumitomo *Authorized Distributor / Service Warranty Station